EDS 411AB: MEDS Capstone

Image: a single green plant seedling in red soil. Photo by David von Diemar on Unsplash


EDS 411B Student hours

Sign up for available 30-minute meetings at this appointment page.

Course description

The goal of EDS 411A is to facilitate student learning, work and progress on their MEDS Capstone project through lessons, activities, supervised and unsupervised project work, and peer review and feedback. Additionally, EDS 411A provides opportunities for professional and career development (e.g. presentation skills, writing and editing, client relations, team science, panel discussions, and conflict resolution).

Throughout the course, students will build on skills they have learned in prior MEDS courses to implement them in a real-world data science project, including:

Note: Weeks 7 & 8 are practice presentations (for Faculty Reviews) and directed work on projects. Week 9 is Faculty Reviews. That’s why there aren’t shared materials for those weeks.