tesseract demo


A bit of 2018 history: A weird obsession emerges surrounding Danny’s Wok chicken wings pricing.

Here’s the menu that created an uproar:

A few things to notice about this menu:

  • It’s an image (JPG)
  • Non-selectable text
  • We want to do some analysis

Our question: How can we get this information into a format that we can more easily work with, without manually entering into a new spreadsheet?

OCR: Optical character recognition

Optical character recognition extracts text information from images.

The tesseract R package provides access to Google’s OCR engine. You can combine it with helpful image processing tools from magick.

Attach packages:


Get the image & take a look:

img <- image_read("chicken-wings.jpg")

Pre-cleaning & OCR

img %>% 
  image_crop(geometry_area(0, 0, 20, 120)) %>% 

# Code below from Tom Mock's example! Thanks Tom! 

num_only <- tesseract(
  options = list(tessedit_char_whitelist = c(".0123456789 "))

prices <- img %>% 
  image_crop(geometry_area(0, 0, 20, 120)) %>% 
  ocr(engine = num_only)

Clean it up

# Wranglin'
wings_df <- prices %>% 
  str_split(pattern = "\n") %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  rename("prices" = 1) %>% 
  mutate(prices = str_squish(prices)) %>% 
  separate(prices, into = c("units_1", "price_1", "units_2", "price_2"), sep = " ") %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 
  mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric)

# Separate into two data frames with matching names
one <- wings_df %>% 
  select(1,2) %>% 
  rename(units = units_1, price = price_1)

two <- wings_df %>% 
  select(3,4) %>% 
  rename(units = units_2, price = price_2)

# Recombine them
full_menu <- rbind(one, two) %>% 
  mutate(price_per_wing = price / units)

Plot the oddness

ggplot(data = full_menu) +
  geom_line(aes(x = units, y = price_per_wing)) +

More information / examples