Part 0: Setup

Session key

Note: Both R and Python code are shown below in one place for simplicity. You will be running the R code in R Markdown, and the Python code in Jupyter Notebooks. The individual keys (.Rmd and .ipynb) are in the session repo.


  • Fork and clone this repo containing the Day 6 materials
  • Open the project in RStudio
    • Familiarize yourself with the package structure
    • Create a new .Rmd, save as ‘day6-wrangling-tidyverse.Rmd’
    • In the setup chunk, attach the tidyverse, here, and janitor packages
  • Open Anaconda, launch Jupyter Notebooks
    • Create a new Jupyter Notebook
    • Save in your new R Project root as ‘day6-wrangling-pandas.ipynb’
    • In a new code chunk, import pandas with import pandas as pd

We’ll be switching back and forth between R Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks today to do some basic data wrangling in dplyr and pandas. Remember: Cmd + Tab to switch between applications.

In your .Rmd, attach R packages:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)


In your .ipynb, attach Python packages:

# Don't forget pandas
# Note: if ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas', install pandas! 
# Install in Terminal: pip install pandas
import pandas as pd

Data source

Data for these examples are from:

Part 1. Read in the two data files

The data files we’ll use today are in the data subfolder of the project. They are:

  • wb_indicators.csv: a CSV containing data for select development indicators for countries in the World Bank database, from 2001 - 2020
  • wb_indicators_metadata.csv: a CSV containing metadata information for the development indicators

In R:

wb_indicators <- read_csv(here("data", "wb_indicators.csv"), na = c("..", ""))
wb_metadata <- read_csv(here("data", "wb_indicators_metadata.csv"))

In Python:

wb_indicators = pd.read_csv('data/wb_indicators.csv', na_values = c("..", ""))
wb_metadata = pd.read_csv('data/wb_indicators_metadata.csv')

Take a look

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look at what you’ve done.

Part 1: reshaping and tidying basics


We see that years - a single variable - is spread out over multiple columns. We’ll want to reshape this data frame from wide-to-long format so that year is only in a single column to make it Tidy.

In R: tidyr::pivot_longer()

wb_indicators_long <- wb_indicators %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = '2001 [YR2001]':'2020 [YR2020]', # Which columns to squish
               names_to = "year", # The original column names are squished into this column
               values_to = "indicator_value") # The values are correctly aligned in this column

# Check it out (always):
# View(wb_indicators_long) # Why do I comment this out or run it in the Console? 

In Python (pandas): melt()

wb_indicators_long = wb_indicators.melt(id_vars = ['Country Name', 'Country Code', 'Series Name', 'Series Code'],
                                       var_name = 'year',
                                       value_name = 'indicator_value')

# Check it out: 

# Check the dimensions: 
## <bound method NDFrame.head of                                            Country Name  ... indicator_value
## 0                                           Afghanistan  ...            9.51
## 1                                           Afghanistan  ...             NaN
## 2                                           Afghanistan  ...          810.00
## 3                                           Afghanistan  ...             NaN
## 4                                           Afghanistan  ...             NaN
## ...                                                 ...  ...             ...
## 26695                                               NaN  ...             NaN
## 26696                                               NaN  ...             NaN
## 26697                                               NaN  ...             NaN
## 26698  Data from database: World Development Indicators  ...             NaN
## 26699                          Last Updated: 07/21/2021  ...             NaN
## [26700 rows x 6 columns]>
## (26700, 6)

Cleaning that year column up…

We can see that the year is stored in a weird format (e.g. 2018 [YR2018]) that’s going to make our life difficult if we want to, for example, use year as a number to plot changes in the indicator values over time.

Let’s separate the information in the year column so that we can just keep the nice 4-digit year as a number.

In R: tidyr::separate()

wb_data_clean <- wb_indicators_long %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = year, into = c("year", "year_chr"), sep = " ") %>% 
  dplyr::select(-year_chr, -'Country Code', -'Series Code') # This drops a few redundant columns (caution to leave things if you're not sure)

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   `Country Name` `Series Name`                             year  indicator_value
##   <chr>          <chr>                                     <chr>           <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2001             9.51
## 2 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2002            10.4 
## 3 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2003            11.5 
## 4 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2004            12.4 
## 5 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2005            13.5 
## 6 Afghanistan    Access to clean fuels and technologies f… 2006            14.8

In pandas: str.split()

wb_indicators_long[['year','year_chr']] = wb_indicators_long.year.str.split(expand=True)

list(wb_indicators_long) # Cool, now there's year and year_chr

# Let's also drop some variables we won't use:
## ['Country Name', 'Country Code', 'Series Name', 'Series Code', 'year', 'indicator_value', 'year_chr']
wb_data_clean = wb_indicators_long.drop(['Country Code', 'Series Code', 'year_chr'], axis = 1)

## ['Country Name', 'Series Name', 'year', 'indicator_value']

Convert indicators to variables (long to wide)

Our data still aren’t quite tidy! Why?

Notice that we have multiple variables that were measured (our different indicators) all in a single column. This is a scenario where there are multiple variables in a single column. To be Tidy, we want each variable to live in just one column.

In R: tidyr::pivot_wider()

That means we’re going to need to widen this data. We’ll do that using tidyr::pivot_wider().

wb_data_tidy <- wb_data_clean %>% 
  tidyr::drop_na('Series Name') %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = 'Series Name', values_from = indicator_value) # Pivot to wide format

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   `Country Name` year  `Access to clean fue… `Access to electr… `CO2 emissions …
##   <chr>          <chr>                 <dbl>              <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan    2001                   9.51               NA                810
## 2 Afghanistan    2002                  10.4                NA               1100
## 3 Afghanistan    2003                  11.5                NA               1350
## 4 Afghanistan    2004                  12.4                NA               1130
## 5 Afghanistan    2005                  13.5                22.3             1640
## 6 Afghanistan    2006                  14.8                28.1             1940
## # … with 2 more variables: Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total) <dbl>,
## #   Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources <dbl>

In python:

wb_data_tidy = wb_data_clean.pivot_table(index = ['Country Name', 'year'],
                                        columns = 'Series Name',
                                        values = 'indicator_value')
# Indexes back to normal column entries:                                         
wb_data_tidy = wb_data_tidy.reset_index()

# Check the data frame now:
wb_data_tidy.head() # I feel better.
## Series Name Country Name  ... Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
## 0            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 1            Afghanistan  ...                                          54.757019                                            
## 2            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 3            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 4            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## [5 rows x 7 columns]
## Series Name Country Name  ... Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
## 0            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 1            Afghanistan  ...                                          54.757019                                            
## 2            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 3            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## 4            Afghanistan  ...                                                NaN                                            
## [5 rows x 7 columns]

Renaming columns

Our column names are now a nightmare. We can reassign all names as follows (in this order):

names(wb_data_tidy) <- c("country", "year", "access_clean_fuels_pp", "access_electricity_pp", "co2_emissions_kt", "fossil_fuel_cons_pt", "water_stress")

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   country     year  access_clean_fuels_pp access_electricity_pp co2_emissions_kt
##   <chr>       <chr>                 <dbl>                 <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan 2001                   9.51                  NA                810
## 2 Afghanistan 2002                  10.4                   NA               1100
## 3 Afghanistan 2003                  11.5                   NA               1350
## 4 Afghanistan 2004                  12.4                   NA               1130
## 5 Afghanistan 2005                  13.5                   22.3             1640
## 6 Afghanistan 2006                  14.8                   28.1             1940
## # … with 2 more variables: fossil_fuel_cons_pt <dbl>, water_stress <dbl>

Or, we’ll learn how to use dplyr::rename() soon…

Renaming in python with df.rename():

wb_data_tidy = wb_data_tidy.rename(columns = {'Country Name': 'country', 'Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population)': 'access_fuels_pp',
 'Access to electricity (% of population)': 'access_electricity_pp',
 'CO2 emissions (kt)': 'co2_emissions_kt',
 'Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)': 'fossil_fuel_consumption_pt',
 'Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources': 'water_stress'})
## Series Name      country  year  ...  fossil_fuel_consumption_pt  water_stress
## 0            Afghanistan  2001  ...                         NaN           NaN
## 1            Afghanistan  2002  ...                         NaN     54.757019
## 2            Afghanistan  2003  ...                         NaN           NaN
## 3            Afghanistan  2004  ...                         NaN           NaN
## 4            Afghanistan  2005  ...                         NaN           NaN
## [5 rows x 7 columns]

End wrangling session 1

Part 2: More data wrangling with dplyr


Use dplyr::filter() to keep or exclude rows based on your conditions.

Some examples:

I only want to keep observations from the dataset above for “United States”:

us_wb <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  filter(country == "United States")

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   country       year  access_clean_fuels_… access_electricity_… co2_emissions_kt
##   <chr>         <chr>                <dbl>                <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1 United States 2001                   100                  100          5749250
## 2 United States 2002                   100                  100          5594160
## 3 United States 2003                   100                  100          5659630
## 4 United States 2004                   100                  100          5740030
## 5 United States 2005                   100                  100          5756080
## 6 United States 2006                   100                  100          5656580
## # … with 2 more variables: fossil_fuel_cons_pt <dbl>, water_stress <dbl>

This example in python:

wb_data_tidy[(wb_data_tidy['country'] == "United States")]

I want to keep observations if the country is “United States” OR “Mexico” OR “Brazil”:

us_mx_bz <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  filter(country %in% c("United States", "Mexico", "Brazil"))

## [1] "Brazil"        "Mexico"        "United States"

This example in python:

wb_data_tidy[(wb_data_tidy['country'] == "United States") | (wb_data_tidy['country'] == "Mexico") | (wb_data_tidy['country'] == "Brazil")]

I want to keep observations if the country is “Guatemala” OR the year is 2020:

guatemala_or_2020 <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  filter(country == "Guatemala" | year == 2020)

I want to keep observations in the year is 2010 and CO2 emissions is greater than 10,000kt:

co2_2010_over10k <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  filter(year == 2010, co2_emissions_kt > 10000)


Select (or exclude) columns using dplyr::select(). Put a minus sign (-) in front of a column name or position to exclude it.

nicaragua_co2 <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  filter(country == "Nicaragua") %>% 
  select(year, co2_emissions_kt)

Exclude the water_stress and access_electricity_pp columns:

wb_subset <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  select(-c(water_stress, access_electricity_pp))

Some examples of selecting / excluding columns in python:

# Keep columns country, year, and co2_emissions_kt

# Exclude column access_fuels_pp
wb_data_tidy.drop('access_fuels_pp', axis = 1) # axis = 1 here indicates drop COLUMN (0 = rows)


Use dplyr::rename() to rename one or more columns, in the order new_name = old_name.

wb_newnames <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  rename(elec = access_electricity_pp, co2 = co2_emissions_kt)


Use dplyr::mutate() to add a new column, or transform an existing one.

Example: to change the class of a variable (careful - this overwrites the existing column!)

# Check the class of year:
class(wb_data_tidy$year) # Character! Let's change it. 
## [1] "character"
wb_data_tidy <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  mutate(year = as.numeric(year))

# Check again: 
## [1] "numeric"

Example: Add a new column that has co2 in TONS (instead of kilotons):

wb_co2_tons <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  mutate(co2_tons = co2_emissions_kt * 1000)

## # A tibble: 6 x 8
##   country      year access_clean_fuels_pp access_electricity_pp co2_emissions_kt
##   <chr>       <dbl>                 <dbl>                 <dbl>            <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan  2001                  9.51                  NA                810
## 2 Afghanistan  2002                 10.4                   NA               1100
## 3 Afghanistan  2003                 11.5                   NA               1350
## 4 Afghanistan  2004                 12.4                   NA               1130
## 5 Afghanistan  2005                 13.5                   22.3             1640
## 6 Afghanistan  2006                 14.8                   28.1             1940
## # … with 3 more variables: fossil_fuel_cons_pt <dbl>, water_stress <dbl>,
## #   co2_tons <dbl>

This example with df.assign() in python:

co2_tons = wb_data_tidy.assign(co2_t = wb_data_tidy['co2_emissions_kt'] * 1000)

dplyr::group_by() %>% summarize()

To perform one or more functions on data by group, returning a nice summary table, use group_by + summarize().

Example: find the total reported co2 emissions (kt) for 2001 - 2020 from each country:

co2_total <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(country) %>% 
  summarize(total_co2_kt = sum(co2_emissions_kt, na.rm = TRUE))

This example (group_by summarize) in python with df.groupby.agg:

co2_sum = wb_data_tidy.groupby('country')['co2_emissions_kt'].agg(['sum'])

Example: find the total co2 emissions (kt) across all country for each year from 2001 - 2020:

co2_annual <- wb_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 
  summarize(annual_total_co2_kt = sum(co2_emissions_kt, na.rm = TRUE))

# Let's plot this for fun: 
ggplot(data = co2_annual, aes(x = year, y = annual_total_co2_kt)) +

# Always look. What is happening here? Always always always look at your data. 

Part 3: Putting things together

We’ve learned a bunch of different useful functions for data wrangling in the {tidyverse}. But this may still feel a bit tedious.

Often, for readability and efficiency, we may want to string together different steps into a sequence. We can do that using the pipe operator (%>% in the tidyverse, or |> is the sparkly new native pipe in R).

Let’s take our raw data that we initially read in:

## # A tibble: 6 x 24
##   `Country Name` `Country Code` `Series Name`      `Series Code` `2001 [YR2001]`
##   <chr>          <chr>          <chr>              <chr>                   <dbl>
## 1 Afghanistan    AFG            Access to clean f… EG.CFT.ACCS.…            9.51
## 2 Afghanistan    AFG            Access to electri… EG.ELC.ACCS.…           NA   
## 3 Afghanistan    AFG            CO2 emissions (kt) EN.ATM.CO2E.…          810   
## 4 Afghanistan    AFG            Fossil fuel energ… EG.USE.COMM.…           NA   
## 5 Afghanistan    AFG            Level of water st… ER.H2O.FWST.…           NA   
## 6 Albania        ALB            Access to clean f… EG.CFT.ACCS.…           42.7 
## # … with 19 more variables: 2002 [YR2002] <dbl>, 2003 [YR2003] <dbl>,
## #   2004 [YR2004] <dbl>, 2005 [YR2005] <dbl>, 2006 [YR2006] <dbl>,
## #   2007 [YR2007] <dbl>, 2008 [YR2008] <dbl>, 2009 [YR2009] <dbl>,
## #   2010 [YR2010] <dbl>, 2011 [YR2011] <dbl>, 2012 [YR2012] <dbl>,
## #   2013 [YR2013] <dbl>, 2014 [YR2014] <dbl>, 2015 [YR2015] <dbl>,
## #   2016 [YR2016] <dbl>, 2017 [YR2017] <dbl>, 2018 [YR2018] <dbl>,
## #   2019 [YR2019] <dbl>, 2020 [YR2020] <lgl>

Let’s tidy this up in a single sequence, with the pipe operator between.

REMEMBER: Look at what you’ve done after every step in a sequence.

wb_tidy <- wb_indicators %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = `2001 [YR2001]`:`2020 [YR2020]`,
               names_to = "year",
               values_to = "indicator_value") %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = year, into = c("year", "year_chr"), sep = " ") %>% 
  dplyr::select(-'Country Code', -'Series Code', -year_chr) %>% 
  tidyr::drop_na('Series Name') %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = 'Series Name', values_from = 'indicator_value') %>% 
  dplyr::rename(country = 'Country Name', 
                year = 'year', 
                clean_fuels = 'Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking (% of population)',
                access_elec = 'Access to electricity (% of population)',
                co2 = 'CO2 emissions (kt)',
                fossil_fuels = 'Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)',
                water_stress = 'Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources') %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(year = as.numeric(year))

# Recall you can get the names of columns easily using names(df)

Some questions: How long should a piped sequence be before I store the output and start a new piped sequence? Can a piped sequence be too long? Can I always pipe into everything?

End Day 6 Interactive Session