Yellow fiddler crab waving it’s large claw. From Wikipedia.


  • Partner up, then decide who is Partner 1 & who is Partner 2 for this activity
  • You should be working together on all of this activity, even though it is split up into “Partner 1” and “Partner 2” sections

Partner 1:

  • Create a new version-controlled R Project named fiddler-crab-sizes
  • In a new Quarto document, attach the lterdatasampler package
  • Read through the documentation for the pie_crab data sample, and spend ~5 minutes talking with your partner about the data contains, the shape, variables, and why it was collected. See more information and examples with the data here.
  • Save your document
  • Push your changes back to GitHub (you don’t need to work in a branch for this step – push straight to main)
  • Add your partner as a collaborator to the repo

Partner 2:

  • Accept the invitation to collaborate (check your email) & clone the repo
  • Create a NEW BRANCH to work in
  • In the Quarto doc, create an exploratory (unfinalized) plot of fiddler crab carapace widths observed at the different latitudes
  • Push your updates
  • Submit a Pull Request through GitHub

Partner 1:

  • Merge in the Pull Request
  • Pull changes into main
  • Switch over into a NEW BRANCH
  • Finalize the figure. Add a figure caption using #| fig-cap: "this is my caption" in the code chunk where the graph is created. Update code chunk options (hint: execute: in YAML) so that only your finalized graph and figure caption show up in your knitted report (i.e., no code should show up)
  • To your document, add an unfinalized summary table containing the mean, standard deviation, and sample size of fiddler crab carapace widths by site (tip: use round(mean(), 2) to round a value to 2 decimal places)
  • Push your changes
  • Submit a Pull Request in GitHub

Partner 2:

  • Merge in the Pull Request
  • Go back to your main branch locally, and pull down changes
  • Create and checkout a NEW BRANCH
  • Finalize the summary table a bit so that it looks more polished when rendered, including with updated column names (including units as relevant).
  • Push your updates, submit a PR on GitHub

Partner 1:

  • Merge in the PR
  • Switch over to your main branch locally, pull in changes
  • Create and checkout a NEW BRANCH
  • Work with your partner to write a short introduction to the figures in your knitted document (e.g. so that if it were shared as a short blog post, someone would understand what they were looking at)
  • Add any necessary citations for the data at the end of the document
  • Push your changes and submit a PR on GitHub

Partner 2:

  • Merge in the PR

Both partners:

  • Move back over into your main local branch
  • Pull down changes

Done with morning task